The curriculum for Telecommunications of the BSc studies is conducted within the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka. Detailed study programme is available on Serbian language here.

Curriculum - 2007

Fundamental of Communications

Fundamental of Telecommunications 1

Fundamental of Telecommunications 2

Digital Telecommunications

Theory of Information

Telecommunication Systems

Commutation Systems

Multimedial Commutations

Telecommunication Networks

Radio-Communication 1

Radio-Communication 2

Microwave Engineering

Electro-Acoustic and Speech Processing

The curriculum and programme for Telecommunications at MSc studies is performed within the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka. A detailed curriculum is available in the Serbian languagehere.

The PhD programme of "Information and Communications Technologies", with a list of moduls and content, is available here.

List of courses in module Communications in current PhD programme is:

Internet of Things Technologies and Applications

Advanced Topics in Internet Technologies

Speech Processing and Transmission

Criptography and Computer Systems Security